Thinking of ditching your day job for your daydream? Entrepreneurship is not at all for the faint of heart… but if you can adapt these 7 success habits after waving goodbye to your 9 to 5, you will be running a successful business in no time.
#1: Visualize It & Believe It
Ok, we have all had our fair share of “crazy ideas” but they never amount to anything. The key to starting, owning & operating a successful business is to both visualize it’s potential and believing in it 100%.
#2: Start Before You Are Ready
Do you know how many people quit before they even start because they think they don’t have enough training, experience or industry knowledge? I call bulls&%#!!! The best way to learn anything is to dive right in… trust me you will learn as you go and continue to push yourself outside of your comfort zone.
#3: Bet on Yourself
Being in business for yourself takes serious risk. You must be “all in” if you expect to succeed. So, what are you waiting for?! Let’s do this!
#4: Become the Expert
This is crucial when separating yourself from your competition. You must be intensely dedicated to becoming the expert at every aspect of what you do in order make you stand out from the pack. You want to charge for an expensive but worth it service? Great! Then prove it to your clients by showing them you are the best for the job. Period.
#5: Expect Highs & Lows
Trust me, this is not going to be easy. Make sure you and anyone else along for the ride of this journey knows that entrepreneurship requires a considerable amount of give and take. Setting proper expectations will help you get ahead of uncomfortable situations with your spouse, children and family members & in turn create a more lax environment when you need emotional support in your new journey.
#6: Fail Forward
Failure is mandatory, not optional. Instead of letting failure consume you, allow it to transform you into the business owner you were meant to become. Use your mistakes as an opportunity to grow into your true potential.
#7: Respect the Process
Don’t rush it… owning a successful business takes time. You must respect the process in order to truly respect the entrepreneurs that came before you. No matter what your focus, know this. We are all in this together, and there is no shortcut to success.
Well, there you have it! 7 secrets behind every successful entrepreneur. I hope you can take this advice & translate it directly to your business moving forward. It is so scary to start your own venture, but it is 100% worth it all things considering. I want you to know that the best things in life are sometimes the hardest… but together we’ve got this!
Xo Jess
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